The project
Therefore, we want to create a project that AIMS following: Mainstreaming education for the SDGs by empowering schools to use AR techniques in their educational practices thus developing, creating and implementing innovative SDG classrooms.
- to create a strong partnership that is based on learning from each other, that strengthens the capacity of involved partner organisations and their local, national and international networks;
- to create opportunities for involved partner organizations and professionals to develop themselves as supporters and creators of the innovative learning processes for young people by using AR techniques;
- To develop 2 project results that support mainstreaming of education for SDGs in an interactive and engaging manner involving digital tools that are open and accessible for schools, teachers and other stakeholders;
- To design and facilitate 1 Learning Mobility to equip and empower involved professionals with self-confidence and needed competencies to innovate their practices.

For involved TGs and associated partners: interest, enthusiasm and willingness to come out from the comfort zone and innovate their teaching and educational practices.
- 3 Transnational meetings (TNM) for 12 project coordinators/staff involved in R development from 5 countries: Kick-off meeting at the beginning of the project, Mid-term meeting, and Evaluation meeting at the end of the project.
- Regular virtual team meetings to ensure the proper project implementation and Rs development.
- 1 transnational Learning Mobility (C1) for 24 participants (teachers and educators) in Spain.
- 5 local/national Multiplier Events in the 5 partner countries, gathering a total of 240 participants.

Developed 2 project results:
- AR game that enhances the learning of the 2030 Agenda in schools in order to create innovative, interactive, and playful SDG classrooms. The game will be created in English and translated into languages of involved partner countries: Spanish, Latvian, Italian, Greek, and Dutch.
- Methodological guidelines that support the implementation of modern, interactive, and effective SDG classrooms by using AR technologies. Guidelines will be created in English and translated into languages of involved partner countries: Spanish, Latvian, Italian, Greek, and Dutch.