Our Final Newsletter!
We are thrilled to unveil the 4th issue of the Interactive Goals
Interaktīvo mērķu projekts noslēdzas ar trešo starpvalstu tikšanos Moncā, Itālijā
Moncā (Itālijā) ir noslēgusies Erasmus+ projekta "Paplašinātā realitāte interaktīvai ilgtspējīgas attīstības mērķu mācīšanai skolā
Interactive Goals Project Concludes Third Transnational Meeting in Monza, Italy
The Interactive Goals project has concluded its third and final transnational meeting in
Our third newsletter issue is now available!
We are thrilled to unveil the 3rd issue of the Interactive Goals
Multiplier Event at “Carlo Porta”
On September 5, CCB organized the Interactive Goals project’s Multiplier
SDGs and the 2030 Agenda!
Why Teachers should raise students' awareness about the SDGs
Reflecting on Our Pilot Phase
Reflecting on Our Pilot Phase: Feedback Shaping the Future of
The world committed to Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6
Nowadays 37% of women do not use the internet. 259
The second issue of our newsletter is now available!
We are glad to announce that the second issue of the INTERACTIVE GOALS
Training Activity of the InteractiveGoals project
From the 13rd until 17th of Ferbuary, 2022, the Learning Teaching and Training
The 2nd TPM for the Interactive Goals project
On January 16-17, the second TPM for the #Interactive Goals project was held